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ICS releases IMO International Safety Management (ISM) Code
The International Safety Management (ISM) Code is a key mandatory requirement for merchant ships, and the safety management system (SMS) is a critical mechanism for ensuring safe and environmentally responsible operations on board ships. It is strongly recommended that a copy is in every shipping company office and carried on board every ship worldwide.
ICS releases Shipping and the Environment, A Guide to Environmental Compliance, 5th Edition
This guide gives shipping companies and seafarers a comprehensive entry point into the vast range of regulatory and operational considerations designed to reduce shipping’s environmental footprint.
International Telecommunications Union releases ITU List V – List of Ship Stations and Maritime Mobile Services Identity Assignment, 2024 Edition
ITU’s List V 2024 publication is now accessible through a new Windows application that can be downloaded online, which eliminates the need for a CD reader. To download the application, scan the QR code on the DVD case or use the URL provided inside the case, and complete the registration steps.The publication CD should remain […]
MCA releases Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seafarers, 2024 Edition
This new edition includes all the Amendments previously issued as add-ons.
SOLAS Update
A set of amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) and the associated Codes are entering into force in 2024. This article highlights the changes that have been adopted for the 2024 update of SOLAS and its associated Codes. Regulations coming into force on 1 January 2024 IMDG code […]
IMO releases GMDSS Manual, 2024 Edition
The GMDSS Manual provides, in a single comprehensive publication, an explanation of the principles upon which the GMDSS is based, the radiocommunication requirements and recommendations for its implementation, the operational performance standards and technical specifications to be met by GMDSS equipment, and the procedures for and method of operation of the various radio services which […]
IMO releases International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargos (IMSBC) Code, 2022 Ed. (IK260E)
This publication also presents additional information that supplements the IMSBC Code, such as the Code of Practice for the Safe Loading and Unloading of Bulk Carriers (BLU Code, including BLU Manual) and recommendations on the safe use of pesticides in ships applicable to the fumigation of cargo holds. The International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code and […]
IMO releases MARPOL 2022 (IF520E) and MARPOL on the Web (S520E)
The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 (MARPOL Convention), is concerned with preserving the marine environment through the prevention of pollution by oil and other harmful substances and the minimization of accidental discharge of such substances. Its technical content is laid out in six Annexes, the first five of which were […]
The UKHO announces its intention to withdraw from paper chart production
The UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO) has announced its intention to develop options for the withdrawal from global paper chart production by late 2026 to increase focus on its digital navigation products and services. Plans to withdraw the UKHO’s portfolio of ADMIRALTY Standard Nautical Charts (SNCs) and Thematic Charts are in response to more marine, naval […]
Admiralty launches new Maritime Safety Information Service
The Admiralty has introduced a new and improved Maritime Safety Information service with an improved user experience to provide faster access to the latest safety-critical navigational information.Features of the new service include:New user-friendly interface. The service has been redesigned to improve usability and is now responsive across desktop, mobile and tablet devices.Low bandwidth by default. New light-weight design […]
IMO releases IMO Vega Version 26
The IMO-Vega database, developed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and DNV AS, puts all the necessary information on safety and pollution prevention requirements applicable to ships at your fingertips.The database includes the latest IMO texts up to and including April 2022. More information, including a full list of texts plus details for a free […]
Admiralty announces new international standards for maritime safety and sustainability
The next generation of navigation solutions will transform the way we use marine data – supporting safer, more efficient voyages, advancing the prospect of autonomous shipping, and underpinning an even wider range of decisions made by mariners and shore-based users.At the heart of these new solutions is the new S-100 data standards which provide more […]
IMO releases Guide to Maritime Security and the ISPS Code, 2021 Ed. (IB116E)
This Guide has been developed to consolidate existing IMO maritime security-related material into an easily read companion guide to SOLAS chapter XI-2 and the ISPS Code in order to assist States in promoting maritime security through development in the requisite legal framework, associated administrative practices, procedures and technical and human resources. It is intended both to […]
IMO releases Load Lines Convention 2021 (IC701E)
The International Convention on Load Lines, 1966, adopted by the International Conference on Load Lines on 5 April 1966, entered into force on 21 July 1968 and has been modified by the 1988 Protocol relating thereto and amended by Assembly and Maritime Safety Committee resolutions over the past 50 years.This 2021 edition includes up-to-date, consolidated text in […]
Maritime Progress releases new Slips, Trips, and Falls Poster Designed Specifically For Maritime Safety
Slips, trips, and falls remain the main cause of incidents leading to injury for seafarers. This maritime safety poster reminds seafarers of some simple but effective rules that will keep them and their slips trips and falls poster crewmates safe when working around the ship. The poster also introduces another and often overseen hazard, that […]
IMO releases Performance Standards, 2020 Edition (IF978E)
The Performance Standards for Shipborne Radiocommunications and Navigational Equipment, 2020 edition provides mariners, Administrations, shipowners and manufacturers with new and revised standards for the safe and secure communication and navigation of ships. Download the flyer here.
IMO releases International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft, 2021 Edition (IB185E)
The Maritime Safety Committee adopted, in December 2000 by resolution MSC.97(73), the International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft, 2000 (2000 HSC Code), which was made mandatory under chapter X (Safety measures for high-speed craft) of the 1974 SOLAS Convention and applies to high-speed craft engaged on international voyages the keels of which are laid […]
IMO releases IMDG CODE, 2020 Edition (incorporating Amendment 40-20) (IM200E)
The IMDG Code lays down basic principles on the transport of dangerous goods by sea. It contains detailed recommendations for individual substances, materials and articles and a number of recommendations for good operational practice, including advice on terminology, packing, labelling, stowage, segregation and handling and emergency response action. Although the information in the Code is […]
IMO releases International Code on the Enhanced Programme of Inspections during Surveys of Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers, 2011 (ESP Code), 2020 Ed. (IC265E)
The International code on the enhanced programme of inspections during surveys of bulk carriers and oil tankers, 2011 (2011 ESP Code) establishes a survey standard for the regular and safe survey of the cargo and ballast areas of oil tankers and bulk carriers. The Code provides, in particular, requirements for: renewal, annual and intermediate surveys […]
IMDG Code Amendments – Delay in Implementation
In view of the exceptional circumstances brought about by the COVID-19 virus this year, and the ensuing disruption and delay caused to the IMO meeting schedule, Amendment 40-20 of the IMDG Code will become mandatory from 1 June 2022 but may be applied by Administrations in whole or in part on a voluntary basis from […]
IMO Releases the IMO-Vega Database (V24.2)
The IMO-Vega Database, developed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and DNV GL AS, puts all the necessary information on safety and pollution prevention requirements applicable to ships at your fingertips. The application allows your customer to easily search for applicable regulations according to the following criteria: ship date of build ship type length […]
IMO releases Performance Standards for Shipborne Radiocommunications and Navigational Equipment, 2020 edition (IF978E)
The Performance Standards for Shipborne Radiocommunications and Navigational Equipment,2020 edition provides mariners, Administrations, shipowners and manufacturers with new and revised standards for the safe and secure communication and navigation of ships.
MARPOL Consolidated Edition, 2017 – September 2020 Supplement
IMO has issued a September 2020 Supplement for “MARPOL Consolidated Edition, 2017” (IE520E). A downloadable copy of this is available here. Customers who purchased the e-reader file can access the supplement using the Internet Update/Check for Content Update function on The IMO Bookshelf.
NEW! – Chart and Publication Monitoring and Correction Service
Pivot provides an inexpensive service that will ensure that your charts are fully corrected and up to date at all times. Pivot will monitor Admiralty releases, notify vessel operators and apply the necessary corrections as quickly and as conveniently as practical. We can also provide the same monitoring and notification service for all publications within a […]
IMDG Code & IMDG Code Supplement Delay
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, many meetings at IMO have been postponed, including the Maritime Safety Committee, at which amendments to the IMDG Code and IMDG Code Supplement need to be approved. In view of this, publication of the 2020 Editions of the IMDG Code (inc. Amendment 40-20) and the IMDG Code Supplement […]
SOLAS Consolidated Edition Update
IMO Publishing has released the hardcopy title, “SOLAS Consolidated Edition, 2020” (product code IG110). The digital edition of this publication (KG110E) was released in August, but a subsequent update is available. If you have a copy of the original 2020 Edition released in August, Pivot can provide an updated version to you free of charge.
IBC Code 2020 – Update
IMO Publishing has released the hardcopy title, “IBC Code, 2020 Edition” (product code IE100E). The digital edition of this publication (KE100E) was released in September. This edition of the Code incorporates a number of amendments, including: resolutions MEPC.302(72) and MSC.440(99) amending the model form of International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in […]
IMO releases IBC Code, 2020 Edition
IMO Publishing has released the digital title, “IBC Code, 2020 Edition” (product code KE100E). The hardcopy edition of this publication (IE100E) is also available. This edition of the Code incorporates a number of amendments, including: resolutions MEPC.302(72) and MSC.440(99) amending the model form of International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals […]
IMO publishes Basic Documents: Volume II, 2020
IMO Publishing has released the digital title, “Basic Documents: Volume II, 2020 Edition” (product code IB007E). This updated compendium of basic documents on the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and its affiliated organizations also includes agreements between IMO and other intergovernmental organizations.
IMO publishes SOLAS Consolidated Edition, 2020
IMO Publishing has released the title, “SOLAS Consolidated Edition, 2020” (product code IG110E). A digital version is also available (product code KG110).
2021 World Maritime theme – Seafarers: At the Core of Shippingʹs Future
“Seafarers: at the core of shippingʹs future” has been selected as the World Maritime theme for 2021, reflecting a clear need to raise awareness of seafarersʹ vital role in world trade and increase their visibility. The focus on seafarers comes as the COVID-19 pandemic has placed extraordinary and unprecedented demands on seafarers. Hundreds of thousands […]
IMO releases “31st Session 2019 (Res. 1131-1147)”
IMO Publishing has released the digital title, “31st Session 2019 (Res. 1131–1147)” (product code K31E). This new digital edition will be followed shortly by the hardcopy version. The 31st session of the IMO Assembly took place at the Headquarters of the Organization from 25 November to 4 December 2019.
IMO resumes distribution of hard copy publications
From Monday, 15 June 2020, IMO is implementing a phased return to work at IMO Headquarters, commencing with a small percentage of key staff returning to the building to test the new social distancing arrangements, following the temporary closure of the IMO Headquarters earlier this year in response to the COVID-19 emergency. As part of […]
IMO releases “2009 MODU Code, 2020 Edition”
IMO Publishing has released the digital title, “2009 MODU Code, 2020 Edition” (product code KA810E). This new digital edition will render the 2010 edition obsolete. For further information, please read the flyer.
IMO releases “Guide on the Implementation of the OPRC Convention and OPRC-HNS Protocol, 2020 Edition”
IMO Publishing has released the digital title, “Guide on the Implementation of the OPRC Convention and OPRCH-HNS Protocol, 2020 Edition” (product code K559E) For further information, please read the flyer. Please note that this digital title, in English only, is an excellent guide to the related titles entitled “International Convention on OPRC, 1991 Edition” (product code […]
IMO releases “Instruments Relevant to Port State Control 2019, 2020 Edition”
IMO Publishing is pleased to announce its latest digital title, “Instruments Relevant to Port State Control 2019, 2020 Edition” (product code K657E). For further information, please read the flyer. This digital title is an invaluable accompaniment to the recently published e-reader entitled “Procedures for Port State Control 2019, 2020 Edition” (product code KD650E). For further information […]
IMO releases Model Course: SAR Mission Coordinator (IAMSAR Manual, Volume II), 2020 Edition
This course provides specific training for those who may be designated to perform the duties and responsibilities of a search and rescue mission coordinator (SMC) at a maritime or joint rescue coordination centre or sub-centre for a search and rescue (SAR) incident, and is based on the content of the 2019 edition of IAMSAR Manual […]
Pivot announces postponement of QMII training in April in Trinidad
Due to the uncertainty surrounding the Coronavirus situation and out of concern for the health and safety of everyone involved, Pivot Caribbean has decided to postpone the ISM and ISPS CSO/VSO/PFSO workshops planned for April in Trinidad. Virtual (online) classes will continue be available and the current schedule can be viewed here.
COVID 19 – Closure of IMO Headquarters
As a preventative measure against COVID-19, the IMO headquarters in London has been temporarily closed for business. As a consequence, during this time, orders for hard copies will not be delivered until IMO returns back to normal activities. Purchases of digital titles will continue uninterrupted.
IMO Resource Page on COVID-19
The IMO/WHO joint statement, resources and advice for IMO Member States, seafarers and shipping can be found here.
Trinidad’s Paria Trading Meets IMO’s Low-Sulphur Fuel Oil Deadline
A report in today’s Business Express, credited to Anthony Wilson, states that Trinidad and Tobago’s sole fuel importer, Paria Fuel Trading, has met the January 1, 2020 deadline to ensure that the bunker fuel sold to local and international ships using T&T ports is in line with the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) regulations for the 2020 […]
Witherbys releases Offshore Vessel Management and Self Assessment (OVMSA) 2019 Edition
The Offshore Vessel Management and Self Assessment (OVMSA) programme is a tool to help companies operating offshore vessels to assess, measure and improve their management systems. These systems, outlined in this new and updated publication, encompass all company activities, including technical, operational, personnel and Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE), both on board and ashore. […]
IMO releases Model Course: Ratings as Able Seafarer Engine in a Manned Engine Room or Designated to Perform Duties in a Periodically Unmanned Engine Room, 2019 Edition
This model course aims to meet the mandatory minimum requirements for the knowledge, understanding and proficiency in table A III/5 of the STCW Code. The course comprises four functions at the support level: Marine engineering; Electrical, electronic and control engineering; Maintenance and repair; and Controlling the operation of the ship and care for persons on […]
IMO releases Model Course: Safe Handling and Transport of Solid Bulk Cargoes, 2019 Edition
The course is intended for seafarers on board ships carrying solid bulk cargoes, and personnel involved in the transport chain of solid bulk cargoes, such as officials of the competent authorities, port authorities, port terminals, mine operators, shippers, technicians and shipping company’s representatives, as well as all personnel involved in the assessment of acceptability of […]
IMO releases Corrigenda for IMDG Code, 2018 Edition (inc. Amendment 39-18)
The IMO has issued a December 2019 Corrigenda for this publication, product code IL200E. Customers who purchased the e-reader file can access the supplement using the Internet Update/Check for Content Update function on The IMO Bookshelf. Customers who purchased the electronic editions, namely, IMDG Code for Windows (Version 14), 2018 and the Electronic IMDG Code […]
IMO releases Corrigenda & Supplement for SOLAS Consolidated Edition, 2014
The IMO has issued a December 2019 Corrigenda & Supplement for “SOLAS Consolidated Edition, 2014, product code IF110E. Customers who purchased the e-reader file can access the supplement using the Internet Update/Check for Content Update function on The IMO Bookshelf. The SOLAS on the Web version will also be automatically updated in due course. You […]
IMO Publishing announces release of Guidelines on Fatigue, 2019 Edition
IMO Publishing has announced that its latest title, “Guidelines on Fatigue, 2019 Edition” (product code IA968E) will be released in mid-November. This new edition will render the 2002 edition obsolete. You can view a flyer for this publication here
IMO Supplement – International Code for Fire Safety Systems (FSS), 2015 Edition
December 2019 Supplement for “International Code for Fire Safety Systems (FSS), 2015 Edition” (product code IB155E). Download here
IMO Supplement – BCH Code, 2008 Edition
December 2019 Supplement for “Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (BCH Code), 2008 Edition” (product code IC772E). Download here
IMO Supplement – 2010 FTP Code
December 2019 Supplement for “International Code for Application of Fire Test Procedures, 2010 Code, 2012 Edition” (product code IC844E) Download here
IMO Supplement – Life Saving Appliances
December 2019 Supplement for “Life-Saving Appliances inc. LSA Code, 2017 Edition” (IMO product code IE982E). Download here
Witherbys announces release of new edition of Ballast Water Management
Understanding the regulations and the treatment technologies available The 10th edition of Ballast Water Management sets out the current state of international and national ballast water legislation. The BWM Convention is now fully in effect for all applicable ships and this book contains essential information on the requirements for compliance. It also highlights the significant […]
IMO Publishing announces release of GMDSS Manual, 2019 Edition
IMO Publishing has announced that its latest title, “GMDSS Manual, 2019 Edition” (product code II970E) will be released in mid-November. This new edition will render the 2017 edition obsolete. Pivot will happily place pre-orders with IMO Publishing so that our customers do not find themselves far down in the global queue for this title. You can […]
IMO Publishing releases IMO 2020: Consistent Implementation of MARPOL Annex VI, 2019 Edition” (I666E)
In a landmark decision for both the environment and human health, 1 January 2020 has been set as the implementation date for a significant reduction in the sulphur content of the fuel oil used by ships. The decision to implement a global sulphur limit of 0.50% m/m (mass/mass) in 2020 was taken by the International Maritime […]
2019 BA Nautical Chart updates
The attached list summarizes updates to British Admiralty Nautical Charts that we have sold over the last year. The updates cover the period Jan 1st, 2019 to Sept. 20th, 2019. This should help make it straightforward to keep your charts up to date. Going forward, specific updates will be published individually as they occur. This […]
Current IMO Publications up to Sept 02, 2019
The attached document is a list of all current IMO publications up to September 2nd, 2019. You can use this to ensure that all your shipboard and shoreside publications are up to date. The only notable release in the past few months has been the 2019 Edition of the IAMSAR Vol III released in May. […]
Admiralty Notice – New Release – NP285 (ALRS-GMDSS)
11/07/2019 – NP285 – Admiralty List of Radio Signals. Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) 2019/20 Edition. Updated to Week 21/19 (23/05/19).First updates in week 28/19.The 2018/19 Edition of NP285 is cancelled.
IMO announces release of Ships’ Routeing, 2019 Edition
IMO Publishing has announced that its latest title, “Ships’ Routeing, 2019 Edition” (product code IH927E) was released in September. This new edition will render the 2017 edition obsolete. You can view a flyer for this publication here