IMO Publications
Pivot Caribbean supplies the full range of IMO publications in their most recent editions
Popular Titles


II970E - GMDSS Manual
IB116E - Guide to Maritime Security and the ISPS Code
IJ962E - IAMSAR Manual, Volume III – Mobile Facilities
IM200E - IMDG Code
IA994E - International Code of Signals
IB155E - FSS Code
IE982E - Life-Saving Appliances inc. LSA Code
IE520E - MARPOL (Consolidated Edition)
IG110E - SOLAS (Consolidated Edition)
ID117E - ISM Code
e-Publications - The IMO Bookshelf
The IMO Bookshelf is IMO Publishing’s free e-reader software which provides access to IMO’s digital library. E-reader files are available for all major IMO titles. They are exact copies of the printed title and can be viewed instantly after purchasing a licence code and downloading the e-reader and digital title.
IMO e-Publications comply with IMO requirements on carriage of publications on board ships MSC-MEPC.2/Circ.2, 1 June 2006 (note that publications for emergency use, such as the International Code of Signals and the IAMSAR Manual should always be available in the form of hard copies. Flag State approval should also be confirmed).
The IMO-Vega Database is a powerful database which includes up-to-date texts of core IMO instruments including IMDG Code, SOLAS, MARPOL and IAMSAR Manuals, as well as pollution prevention and safety-related documents. It also incorporates essential historical information and legal texts from the IMO. Required information is instantly locatable via a sophisticated search function.
IMO-Vega provides substantial cost savings over purchasing documents individually. It is available as either an electronic download or internet subscription. An electronic download is more suitable for a vessel with limited internet access, while an internet subscription (which is constantly updated) is best suited for a shoreside facility.
Multi-user licences are available which benefit from a 50% discount.